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Model – Katie Kasket – Color Horror

November 26, 2009 by  
Filed under All Articles, Horror, Models

How to Make Hollywood Portraits
katie Kasket

katie Kasket Hostel Horror

Here we have Katie Kasket starring in a spin off of the movie Hostel. My interpretation of the movies posters and cut scenes. These images were shot under a green light and then some heavy Photo shopping done to them to get a grimy, dirty look to them. The main images which is used as the icon for this set, is for sale.  I have 8×10’s for sale for $50 each, just shoot me an email and let me know if you want one.


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3 Responses to “Model – Katie Kasket – Color Horror”
  1. scoob says:

    very cool pics. mind if i do a little spotlight of them and link to them over here on my blog?
    .-= scoob´s last blog ..What do Frankenstein and The Lightbulb Have in Common? =-.

  2. scoob says:

    you are up and running my good sir
    .-= scoob´s last blog ..Darkman’s Darkroom Has an Eye for Horror =-.

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