The Mantis and The Money Toad
October 31, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Color, Featured, On The Fly

The Mantis and The Money Toad
This is an actual photograph I took one day while editing images at my computer. This mantis or his twin brother was following me around the whole day. I was on my balcony in the morning and there he was. Later that day I went out to my garage and there he was again on the garage door. Finally that evening I was editing images at my computer and I looked up and guess who it was standing there looking at me while I was editing? Mr. Mantis. I thought i t was an interesting image of his standing there on my Monitor next to my money toad. So I snapped a quick one with my old Olympus c-5050. The resulting shot is what you see.
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The Mantis and The Money Toad
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