The Boyz…
November 22, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, On Photography, On The Fly

Da Boyz...
These are a couple of friends of mine I haven’t seen in a few years. I ran across this images as I was looking for work to submit to the “Art of Photography” show. I’ve been meaning to enter the show for a number of years and I am finally going to do it this year. I have several shots I will be entering, and of course I hope I win. Even if I don’t it will be fun.
This is a shot that only happened once, it was a shot that had to be just right as the bus only comes by once every half hour or so, and my friends were there at just the right time. I just looked at the time stamp on the lower right hand corner and it’s been 7 years almost 8 years since I took this photo. Wow, it’s been a long time that I’ve been taking photos.
My next great adventure is going to be getting a rangefinder type camera and start doing some street photography again. Black and white only. I am sure all of you have heard of Cartier-Bresson? The father of modern photojournalism? what a master, and gifted artist.

Da Boyz...
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I remember that. Luminal… good times man.
I’m actually entering that photo in “The Art of Photography Contest” and show. That and two others. Thanks Man, it all started because you sold me that camera….