Photographing Bauhaus and David J of Bauhaus.
November 4, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Bands and Musicians, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Old Hollywood Glamour

David J of Bauhaus
I have always had a camera in my hands, in some way or another. I have not always had the best cameras either, but I always made due with what I have had. My parents always gave me cameras when I was a kid and I always shot black and white film. I have since gotten a few digital cameras and one of my cameras was an Olympus 5050. Not exactly your professional Dslr, but it was all I could afford and it had a whopping 5 mega pixels, so of course the pictures will be better right? 😉
I started shooting clubs with a Sony that was only 3.2 Mp, and upgraded to this camera. I had a friend who could get me into shows with my camera and get me upfront to shoot these bigger name bands. One such band was Bauhaus, The Godfathers of Gothic Music. So here I was at 4Th and B, downtown San Diego, shooting Bauhaus with my chintzy Olympus 5050 and I got to go into the back room where the band hung out, after the show because I had a photo pass. Well not exactly, I had to obscure my photo pass and pretend it was a backstage pass and I got back there to the dressing rooms.
I talked with Kevin Haskins the drummer for a while, I really liked a mix he did of The Missing Persons song “Mental Hopscotch“. I tried to talk to Daniel Ash, but he was all over the place and wouldn’t sit still. Anyway I left after a while, as David J(Haskins, Kevin’s big brother) Left, and so did Peter Murphy. There was nothing left to do beside ripping a set list off the dressing room door.
I posted my pictures to, my little goth site I run for San Diego. A few weeks later I get an email from some guy who says he’s David j and wants a copy of a picture I took of him at the concert for Bass Player magazine. Yeah Right, whatever guy. So I go to David J’s website and shoot him an email asking him if he did in fact email me. and then I emailed Bass Player Magazine.
I got an email back from David J and it was in fact him that emailed me, and Bass Player Mag also confirmed it. So of all the images he could have picked, he picks one I didn’t really like. It wasn’t the clearest, but it was the one he wanted. So ok, rock star to say to a rock star? No, I don’t like that one? Anyway he took the image, I got published in Bass Player Magazine, and that was the start of a few more cool shoots with David J, which I’ll tell you about in another post. Below is the photo published in Bass Player Magazine, and a couple of shots of David J we did in my friends studio at Cosmic Frogs Photography.
The last picture was for a promo for David J’s Cabaret Oscura. A Dark Cabaret about a man of the cloth who’s eyes were turning toward a woman. Another story for a later post. 🙂
If you want to see more of the Bauhaus concert you can go here.

David J - Bass Player Magazine

David J - Hollywood Glamour

David J - Hollywood Glamour

mo for Cabaret Oscura
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Nice! Very dramatic lighting, I like these a lot!
.-= Ryan Cowles´s last blog ..Mt. Baldy California – Photography =-.
great photos. best i have seen of any bauhaus member in a /long/ time.