Model – Lindsey Lou – Limited Edition Collectible Prints
November 18, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Featured, Limited Edition, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Lindsey Lou Black
I have decided to start putting my work up for sale here on my site. I have sold my work before in different arenas, but never on my own website. Galleries, privately and even on eBay(groan). Now that I am going to take my life in the artistic direction I have been wanting to I need to start presenting my work as what I do for a living. Although the thought of being a full time photographer scares me, this is what I aim to be. Well maybe not full time. My intent is to make a living with my photography and to sell enough or teach enough to be able to quit my day job.
This is my start. From here on out I am considering myself a photographer by trade and no longer an IT person. For most of you who don’t know me I own my own IT business doing consulting for small and medium sized businesses. Basically an IT manager for hire for those who 1) can’t afford a full time one, or 2) don’t want a full time one. So I am on call most days of the week except for the weekend. I am getting tired of doing the IT stuff and I am not getting any younger. I find myself wanting to travel more and take more pictures of the world than sitting in front of a computer screen. Except of course when editing my images. 🙂
So I am here to say that I am putting up a Limited Edition Prints page in which I will sell the best of my best. Some will be limited and some will be ongoing. It will be marked as such and if any one wants to buy something else that I have shot but isn’t on that page, they can inquire with me on the contact page.
My first limited edition print that I give is of Lindsey Lou, one of my favorite models to work with in Southern California. Lindsey has some of the nicest features to photograph. I don’t think she has a bad side at all. This we shot one day after she had her hair done by Lottie, a girl I shot before but also does hair. I talked about Lottie and her modeling and burlesque dancing in a previous post. I believe this was our first shoot together, and we have shot at least 3-4 times since.
To purchase a limited edition print of Lindsey please go to the Collectible Prints Page.

Lindsey Lou - Darkmans Darkroom

Lindsey Lou - Darkmans Darkroom
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Great photos.
Could inform me (and other amateurs) about light techique for portrait like these?
I learn much from your Photography Lighting Techniques for Hollywood Glamour
Thank you in advance
sure I will in the next couple of days.
I’ve admired your work for a long time, hope the full time photography gig works out for you.