Hollywood Glamour with Kelly Devoto with Lighting Diagrams
A while back I had the pleasure of working with an up and coming star, Kelly Devoto. When Kelly came to me she was just doing modeling and building her portfolio. She wanted some old style Hollywood Glamour stuff so we did a few different takes and settings. Later Kelly contacted me to use one of her photos for her contact card, of course I obliged. Today while I was looking through my photos to do a new post I googled Kelly Devoto and came up with her IMDB page and there she was, credited for several movies since we had worked together, one of then I recognized. Needless to say I was stoked to see she had made it into the movies and decided she is who I would post about.
Here is the images of Kelly Devoto and the respective lighting diagrams for her Hollywood Glamour Session. The first two images were reminiscent of old Hollywood pinup type and the second two were more of the forlorn starlet. We also did the first two in color and then converted them, I’ll include those at the end. The lighting diagrams are after each set of images.

Kelly Devoto

Kelly Devoto
This is the lighting diagram for the first set of images one 500 watt fresnel was used for key light set to camera left and slighting higher than models eye level. The hair light, a 500 watt fresnel was set behind and directed to the back of her head higher up than the key light to shine down on her hair. The hair light helps to give depth and separation from the background. Without the hair light we would lose her and her hair into the background. Also notice the catch lights in her eyes to help bring the eyes alive.

Kelly Devoto Lighting Diagram

Kelly Devoto

Kelly Devoto
This diagram shows the lights being place around the model at all four corners. The lights are shinging through white satin strips of cloth to give a shiny soft glow to the image. Satin material can be found at any fabric store. This type of lighting does not have many hard shadows but was a technique employed by many of the Hollywood glamour photographers back in the days of old. George Hurrell usually accomplished this effect by bouncing the light off of other objects such as mirrors or white walls or table tops. Also notice the catch lights in the eyes here as well.

Kelly Devoto Lighting Diagram
This next image was similar in lighting to the first images of this post, but was shot in color. The color was corrected adn enhanced to give the look of an old style photograph when pin up was just emerging.

Kelly Devoto Color Pinup
This image below was shot with film from a 35 mm camera. The color is slightly off as it was shot with fresnels and the film was for outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting is cooler than the warm temperature of the incandescent hot lights. The warm color tones were toned down as it was much more saturated. The images was scanned using a negative scanner.

Kelly Devoto Color Pinup Film
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