Portable Flash Sytem I use on Location
November 27, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Lighting Equipment

Some people emailed me and asked me about this portable unit I use when I am on location so I felt compelled to write a little about it. The unit is a Photoflex extra small softbox with an off camera strobe, and I use it for some location stuff when a little light is needed […]
Model – Katie Kasket
November 26, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Katie Kasket was one of my favorite models to work with. A bit of a cult figure in her own right, she’s had a comic book made after her, and has so many followers on Myspace it’s incredible. Katie has a company called Kasket Kustoms, in which she sells custom hand painted purses. Each purse […]
Model – Heidi – From Fresno
November 20, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Holly from Fresno contacted me via Myspace for a private shoot. She agreed to let me post the best images on my website. She came down and stayed at a friends house, and we shot one day and she came back the second day and finished up her shoot, with some color pinup stuff which […]
Lighting Techniques for Hollywood Glamour Photography
November 14, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Lighting Diagrams, Videos and Tips, On Photography

Be sure to watch the Hollywood Glamour Photography Video for this shoot HERE Photography Lighting Techniques are sometimes huge mysteries, at least to the beginning photographer. Sometimes to the seasoned pro too, only because maybe it was such a simple setup that it just couldn’t be that easy, right? I know I am that way […]
Hollywood Glamour Photos and How To Take Them.
November 7, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Books and Reviews, Featured, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Lighting Diagrams, Videos and Tips

Be sure to check out the behind the scenes shots from this shoot, the link to that article is posted at the bottom of this article. I’m asked all the time “How do you do that?”, the style of Hollywood Glamour Photography I do. I had a great teacher, George Hurrell. Someone introduced me to […]
Photographing Bauhaus and David J of Bauhaus.
November 4, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Bands and Musicians, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Old Hollywood Glamour

I have always had a camera in my hands, in some way or another. I have not always had the best cameras either, but I always made due with what I have had. My parents always gave me cameras when I was a kid and I always shot black and white film. I have since […]
Model: Guy Chapman – The Film Noir Villain
November 3, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Featured, Film Noir, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

I met guy through a mutual friend that introduced us with the intention of needing to get some head shots done. Guy is an actor and has been in a few movies I am sure you have heard of: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and Red-Eye as well as a few TV Series […]
Model: Apnea – The Reluctant Idol
October 30, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

My first and so far only shoot with the model Apnea, the well known model wife(soon to be or now ex) of Lithium Picnic, The well know and controversial ex-photographer of Suicide Girls. Great lady to work with, quiet I suppose, then again we had just met that day. We did a few shots for […]
Model: Tanya(BluegirlB) – Gothic Hollywood Glamour
October 30, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models, Old Hollywood Glamour

Tanya is a friend of my from the goth scene in San Diego, and I had seen her do some modeling for another photographer friend of mine Gene Johnson. Anyway I had her come over one day to do some Hollywood glamour stuff, but these were done with film and a digital camera. can you […]
Model: Kristabelle #2, Color Burlesque Pinup, Black and White Glamour
October 28, 2009 by Darkman
Filed under All Articles, Color, Hollywood Glamour Lighting, Models

Here’s a couple more from Model Kristabelle. I did a couple in color for a burlesque project I am working on, and thought I would share here. Kristabelle is also going to be our opening lady for Pinupofthemonth.com. Pinup of the month for January 2010. I would like to hear from my readers which ones […]