I am a photographer versed in the fine art of Old Style Black and White Hollywood Glamour. I’ve been doing this for a number of years and enjoy it very much. There’s nothing like making a Hollywood legend from an everyday person.
Currently I am in the process of putting together several books, one if a coffee table book of my photography, images and illustrations, one is on Old Hollywood Lighting for Black and White photography, and one is of my artistic nude work with models.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions including submissions for modeling, or studio work or private commission.
I’d like to take a moment to credit Lisa Medley of Medley Creative, with some of the graphic design on this site as well as her help being my set designer and artistic director on many of my shoots. Lisa has an eye for design and a talent for making things happen. Thank You!
Thank You,
Larry “Darkman” Clark
Photographer, Writer, Designer

Larry "Darkman" Clark
First of all i really enjoyed your website & your work! You have great talent!
I am involved in the adult field. I am going to begin my own official website soon. I would love to have a great variety of photos,themes,styles,settings & all that great stuff. I have taken professional shoots a number of times, but never with settings such as Fetish or Pinup & such.
I would love to arrange a session. I am unaware of you availability, and fee’s….Please contact me at your earliest convienence! Thank You!!!
Gia, have we talked on Facebook?
I was so intrigued by your youtube videos had to come stalk your website lol,jk but you made me want to buy the DIY TLR and ugh it was a pain to assemble but I was wondering if you could help me out with the loading of the film, I don’t think I did it right atleast it doesn’t feel right, when you load it, is it like reg 35mm that it stops when its ready to shoot? or do you just wing it?? agh… hope you can help me if you can msg me that would be awsome.
Would you be in the market for 12 black and white prints that I rescued 30 years ago from being thrown away. They are from the 30’s and 40’s. It is time to let them go to someone who knows how to appreciate them and how to take care of them.
Thank you very much,
Hi Judy I would, sorry I didn’t respond earlier I didn’t realize I had comments.
Please send me scans of what you have?
Great work, very inspirational.
Any thoughts on the best medium format film (for scanning) for this genre? I’m leaning toward color neg for minimal grain, better exposure latitude and versatility in post processing (channel mixer). This is only a hobby for me so it will be a while before I try film again, but I’ve got several Fresnels to play with.
Hey! Some great info on your site. Thanks so much for sharing
I’ve wanted to try this style of lighting for ages – finally got some Arri junior fresnels 150 & 300s. Did my first attempt today. First thoughts…… A lot harder than I figured. Difficult to get that butterfly or loop shadow just right. But hardest of all – not blinding my subject all the time !!! Guess I’m probably making some schoolboy errors, but I’m loving the learning process. Any tips on the ‘not blinding’ bit? When I get the light where I think I want it, it seems to be a bit too strong in the face. Your shots are amazing! I’m shooting digital at the mo, but when I get more proficient, I’m looking forward to giving an old Mamiya RZ67 I picked up second hand a whirl. Cheers, Nick.
tell your subjects not to look directly into the light but just tot he side of it. also try moving the light forward or back to change teh intensity of lght, it’s called manual adjusting, hahahaha
You can also barn door the lights down too.
Getting better
had a model over on Saturday who actually prefers constant lights to constant flashing
got some nice pics I think. Big thanks to yourself, your site, lighting diagrams and next door’s bamboo plant in their garden 
And a colour one http://www.flickr.com/photos/reds42/6159900328/
Hello Mr Darkman,
My love for vintage style and photography have resulted in a passion for film noir shots. Unfortunately fresnel lights are out of my pricerange. Can you recommend a cheaper alternative – if there is any? My inner amateur engineer is pondering about architecture lamps and adding sides to them, but wanted a professional opinion.
Kind regards,
Mai Miller
Check on ebay, that’s where I get mine, and they are affordable!!!
Good Morning,
I have been watching your youtube videos, and been on your site numerous times in the recent months. I think your work is great, and would like to assist (or intern) if that is a possibility? Looking forward to your response.
Best Regards,